Owners and residents
1910 – 1924 Deeds show owned by F W Pook.
1911 Census shows Algernon and Rebecca Collett Dauglish in residence with 2 visitors and 1 servant, Thomas Henry Hulland aged 13.
1921 Census shows Algernon and Rebecca Collett Dauglish in residence with son John (single), Royal Navy Chaplain, HMS “Queen Elizabeth”, daughter Mary Lorenza Capel Cure (married) and servant Beatrice Mary Beer.
1924 Deeds show Caroline Mary Loiusa Pook (née Hill), widow of Frederick William Pook sells to Mrs Mary Dorothea Mason for £1,200. It may have been known as “Hope’s Roof” during her ownership.
1927 Deeds show sold for £1,400 to Mrs Isobel Mackinnon Addison, wife of Dr Christopher Addison MP of Murley Grange. Name became “Wican Croft”
1929 Deeds show sold to Rev. G Lyon.
1932 Deeds show title passed to Rev. Lyon’s daughter Mary Albina Lyon. This was after his death in 1931.
1970 Deeds show sold to Mr and Mrs Derek C White for £6,950. This was after the death of Mary Lyon in 1969. Name changed to “Wicon Croft” as a result of transcription error. Much work modernisation carried out including central heating and the building of an annexe. Original fireplaces were removed.
1973 Deeds show sold to Mr and Mrs N C K Burt for £23,500. Further development to the building carried out.
More information can be found here.