Owners and residents 1910 - 1924 Deeds show owned by F W Pook. 1911 Census shows Algernon and Rebecca Collett Dauglish in residence with 2 visitors and 1 servant, Thomas Henry Hulland aged 13. 1921 Census shows Algernon and Rebecca Collett Dauglish in residence with...
Facts, figures and history of places found in and around Bishopsteignton Parish.
Central Garage, Bishopsteignton
One of the most interesting buildings in Fore Street, not particularly known for its shape or beauty, but more so for its historic standing, is the property that has for some time carried the name of Central Garage. The building has changed little over the years. It...
Bishopsteignton Primary School 50th anniversary
I was pleased to be asked to give a presentation to the schoolchildren during their morning assembly on the 50th anniversary of the official opening, 30th November 2023, and also to a gathering of pupils from the old school, governors and staff later the same morning....
Huntly – The Officers Home
Part Three 1949-2020 The Officers Home In 1949 Huntly was sold to the Officers Association to replace an existing retirement home for officers in Frimley. The residents in Frimley relocated in January 1950. Points of note from the outset: The Home was open to...
Huntly Hydro and Health Spa
Part Two 1878-1949 Huntly Hydro and Health Resort. For much of the period 1878 to 1949, Huntly operated as a hotel and health resort. Successive Kelly’s directories list Charles Carpenter as the proprietor of a hydropathic establishment. Charles Frederick...
Where do you Think You Are?
We are considering starting the project by interrogating the archive to trace the various homes occupied by the Wallis family, the family of the legendary headmaster of Bishopsteignton School. Several of his homes still stand, including the Community Centre where he...
Twinning – La Roche Maurice
The sign is evident as you approach and leave the village. There is even a special walkway named after them as you head towards Teignmouth. So where is La Roche Maurice and how and why did the twinning connection start with Bishopsteignton? How did it start?...
La Roche Maurice – Massacre of Pointois Wood
The sad wartime history of La Roche Maurice is echoed throughout France. 1940 The Pointois Wood Close to the major port of Brest, La Roche-Maurice suffered German occupation from the 19th June 1940. Near this village lies a large manor house with grounds including...
Huntly – the Original Owners
Part One 1813-1878 Alexander Gordon Huntly was built in 1813. It was described by the churchwardens as “newly erected” and built by the local builder Thomas Boone. The first owner was Alexander Gordon (c1763 to 1846). Alexander Gordon was the son of Captain John...
Occupiers of Cross House: 1524 – 1950
A summary of the occupiers of Cross House, Fore Street, Bishopsteignton, taken from the official parish records, 16th, 17th, 18th early 19th Century. W.D. Cleland, Bishopsteignton Village and Lanes, published 1933. 'Cross House is situated at the top of Shute...